It's Ok To Talk

All stories matter

We hope these stories will inspire you and more young people to come forward and share their own, helping to break down the stigma surrounding mental health.

Different Thoughts

November 2, 2019 • Sravan • Male • 37 • Hyderabad

I drew this in 2008, I didn’t know what it was and why I drew it at that time. After learning more about, anxiety, stress and OCD, I figured out the meaning of this image. The red one is the actual physical me, but always worrying, always having negative thoughts, The green one is what I want to be, to be individual and do what ever I want in my life, to be fearless. The yellow one is the anxiety that’s keeps making me think about my future and what might go wrong.

I am Sravan, currently working as a software employee. From my childhood, I have been an introvert, spent much time in reading and thinking, Never ever my parents tried to understand my behaviour and always compared me to my brother who is normal according to them, My real problems started after I completed my M.C.A. Immediately after M.C.A, I joined a company and after one year I quit and started preparations to start a small software firm, at that time my father started to scold me daily, which made me think about what should I do … and at that time I fell in love with one of my relatives, but again my dad said no to marriage because of horoscope matching issues. I married the girl and my parents accepted my marriage later but treated me like I do not belong to the family. At the very same time my firm was not that successful, every morning before my father went to office, and after he came back from office he continuously scolded me and told to go begging as I was not earning any money. I am in a situation due to which I can not come out of the home and live on my own. One day I experienced chest pain and went to a heart specialist and he diagnosed me with Anxiety, and after that I been diagnosed with Blood pressure. I don’t know why in our country mental health issues are treated like a joke, when ever I told my father about my issues and asked him not to treat me badly, he simply laughs and treats me as a mental patient. Now I have a very good job, my wife and kids are very helpful and helping me to come out of my mental problems.



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