It's Ok To Talk

All stories matter

We hope these stories will inspire you and more young people to come forward and share their own, helping to break down the stigma surrounding mental health.

I Choose Life

November 4, 2020 • Ashwini Sawant • Female • 36 • Thane

This Poem was written to address Sucide prevention by Accepting Life as it comes, Equip Yourself come what may, seek Help when needed and Find reasons to Cheer in Life!

I Choose Life

I may be feeling low and tired,
Tears coming out,
Strength less I stand,
Holding self doubt


I don’t want this,
And it still stays with me,
I want to come out of this,
But something doesn’t let me


I think there’s a better place far away not here,
Here there is so much anxiety and fear,
This place and people will not change,
Everything and everyone seems so strange


In such times I will tell myself,
Help is available,
Change is possible,
Though not too quick,
But when I seek


I will help myself,
I will love myself,
I will care for myself,
I will live for myself.
I choose Life,
I choose difficulties,
I choose obstacles,
I choose hurdles.


I don’t runaway,
I don’t go faraway,
I stay here,
I choose to cry and cheer.


I know there’s problem,
I know there are issues,
I will find ways,
To learn from them.


My life is my story,
However it is,
There may be grief,
There may be stress.


I can become stronger with all this,
As I persist to overcome all this,
Seek help when needed,
To know how to live Life with all this.

TAGS #mentalhealth #stigma #poem

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