It's Ok To Talk

All stories matter

We hope these stories will inspire you and more young people to come forward and share their own, helping to break down the stigma surrounding mental health.

I Choose To Fight

September 26, 2019 • Vaishnvi • Female • 19 • Pune

It was during the middle of the day at school. I eventually don’t remember what day it was but I recall it was my biology class. I was casually sitting beside my friend while our biology teacher was teaching in a very silent environment. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I felt my hands get cold and my ears weirdly get these hot flashes. By the time I realized, I felt that I was gonna lose my mind and could feel the shivering from inside. I tightly held against the bench. It seemed like the end of the world, and there’s nothing worse than this. However, I decided to get up and ask my teacher to let me use the washroom. As I remember, as soon as I entered the washroom I bawled out my eyes with overwhelming emotions which were so uncontrollable. I glanced at every sad memory of my life or every bad thing I had experienced in my head. I really didn’t understand why was this happening to me because I always considered myself as a strong person no matter what happened. A couple of minutes had passed by then my friend had come around searching for me. I was so ashamed to confess that I had an anxiety attack. If you may ask why? I couldn’t figure out. But probably, because I didn’t want to portray a weak side of mine. I somehow made it through the day and returned back home. I thought this was gonna happen only for one time but guess what? It didn’t. Time had started to get tough, tougher than what I anticipated. Nobody around me knew, but then finally I opened about it to my mother. I was very glad that I asked for help, both medically and emotionally.
Since then years have passed. away. Now that look back I really wish I told my 15-year-old self that the pressure of board examination wasn’t going to determine entire my life, or having to pretend to be someone else just so I was accepted by others wasn’t necessary at all. I wish I told myself that everything was gonna be okay and I didn’t really have to care about a thing which had lead me to so much pain from within to a point I had to break down. There were many “ifs” and “wishes” but now that I have come along the way I would be lying if I said I don’t have anxiety or sad times anymore. Of course, I do. Everyone does and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. I admit that I am an anxiety disorder survivor and that I choose to fight every day. Just some days are better than others.
One thing I’ve realized is that need to break the stereotypes to create a place where everyone is comfortable enough to share their own stories openly without the fear of criticism. So, this was my story dealing with anxiety.

TAGS #anxiety #stigma emotions shame

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