It's Ok To Talk

All stories matter

We hope these stories will inspire you and more young people to come forward and share their own, helping to break down the stigma surrounding mental health.

Living with Dysthymia

February 24, 2021 • Shrutika Shridhar • Female • 27 • New Delhi

Mentally Unwell, Oh Well!
Stop being so negative,
Learn to count your blessings instead.
I am drowning and the words won’t come out,
Yet they say, “It’s all in your head.”
Go for a walk, write, meditate,
Exercise and sweat it out.
It feels like I cannot breathe or move,

Yet they say, “Stop making it hard for yourself, stop taking this route.”

I sit across nameless experts,
Without judgement they hear me talk.
I listen and do everything they tell me to,
Yet I am always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I take the pills that I need to,
Some red, some green and some blue.
I still feel empty and hollow,

Yet they say, “Stop wallowing in your made-up sorrow.”

On some days getting out of bed is the bravest I can be,
On Some days I am fine.
On most days, I am barely keeping it together,
Yet they say, “These things are made up, it’s all in your mind.”

I am drowning and crying for help at the same time,
I am my own shield and sword.
I am persevering despite my own self,
I am tired and I am flawed.

Yet they say a lot of things,
Now I do not listen or care.
I will shout it out from the rooftops;
Mental Illness is real and none of us need to be scared.

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