It's Ok To Talk

All stories matter

We hope these stories will inspire you and more young people to come forward and share their own, helping to break down the stigma surrounding mental health.

A Mental Health Day

January 21, 2018 • Kritika Narula • Female • 22 • Delhi

You’ve heard of a sick day

When you coughed your guts out

Runny nose,

swollen eyes


You’ve heard of a sick day

When you retched,

Were wretched,

No lies


You’ve heard of a sick day

When you broke some bones

Painful fractures

Bandages and ties


You’ve heard of a sick day

When there was blood

Trickling over skin

And cries


You’ve heard of a sick day

When you pulled a muscle

Needed a therapy

Multiple tries


Now you will hear of

A mental health day:

And we will know the mission is complete

When in a classroom in a public school

A student can avail  medical assistance for

A mental affliction, without being called weak, or a fool


Let’s normalise this phenomenon,

And trivialise the naysayers

And make sure

It is never the other way ’round


Kritika is studying media management, writes features and creates a fortnightly newsletter called The Mental Health Mirror. She’s been told she is annoyingly upbeat about the impact that words can have. She  reads a lot, perhaps, even into your words. Cares too much, even about the next meal she is going to have. She is a mental health advocate owing to personal experiences.

TAGS #mentalhealth #seekinghelp #sickday #therapy

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