It's Ok To Talk

All stories matter

We hope these stories will inspire you and more young people to come forward and share their own, helping to break down the stigma surrounding mental health.

मेरी चिंता, मेरी सहयोगी

October 17, 2018 • Lamia Bagasrawala • Female • 25 • Mumbai

You’ve held me by the jaw

And distorted my face

I can no longer recognize myself

I don’t even feel it anymore

It’s all numb

My hands are trembling

From memories of all previous encounters

And I know what this means

I’m nervously shaking my leg

As I fear to see you in the eye

But I know why you’re back

To protect me

Known dangers are better than unknown ones, they say

So here you are

My familiar space

To safeguard me

Caution me, keep me alert

But you don’t realize

That you hurt me too

I’ll befriend you however

For in this moment

You are here to get me across

To the other side

Away from this monstrous situation

The bully who exploits and harasses me

The one whose work I do


‘Cos I’m the junior

The one who belittles

Disregards, Disrespects

You are here, my anxiety


I will hold on to you

This poem was written while contemplating how to take a stand against harassment at workplace from a senior and stand up for myself. As I battled my thoughts about ambition, social fears and self-respect, I decided to listen to my own voice. Workplace harassment, particularly in academia is extremely high. And in the absence of social support, it can lead to mental health concerns like anxiety. Your mental health is not your enemy. Sometimes it’s best to accept it as an ally and work with and through it instead of banishing it.

TAGS #anxiety

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