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My Life Is A Bad Sitcom

October 31, 2019 • Josh Lamont • Male • 20 • Aberdeen

A long time ago about, 20  years ago I was born on the midnight of April fool’s day which started the joke that is my life, I was raised in Aberdeen to a broken family that never really cared for their less than sporty son.

Now before I continue I need to say this, I can’t be a hundred percent sure that the event’s of my life are true, sadly it’s part of my condition that I fabricate small things to protect myself, in truth it sucks that this happens but when someone who develops Post-traumatic stress disorder at such a young age, there’s gonna be some identity problems, if you ever second-guessed yourself on something try dealing with that image it on a larger scale.

 I learned to never fully trust anyone because sooner or later they’ll throw you under the bus, see when I was 13 years old I just started secondary school which had a large amount of the people narrow-minded asshats that thought it was funny to chase a skinny kid, in fact from day one it felt like that academy had in it for me from day.The literate second I walked into that school I get right hooked in the face by someone, I still don’t know who it was and I still get anxious sometimes when I leave my house I’m gonna get jabbed again but that’s not what keeps me up at night.

It was embarrassing on my first day to see the nurse after a few minutes into my first day, My first nickname at that school was “The black-eyed prick” which wasn’t the most original name but who cares bully’s aren’t known for their comedic prowess.

So the last bell went on my first day, I’m limping to my Mums car, I’m in so much pain from being beat up and then I see the cherry on the cake of one hell of a first day, all my things (that she could fit her boot) in my mums car.

I wish I could say that this day ended on a happy note and I wasn’t destroyed by the news of my mum leaving my dad on the first day of school but sadly that life, it’s filled with crap moments that you can’t control but just because life hands you the raw end of the BS stick doesn’t mean it won’t get better, see little josh got big fast,  Over six foot big in like a mouth and the bully’s started looking real small, little Josh Lamont finally got the help he needed and feels safe to sleep at night, he made through school and on his way to a decent future, see that day gave him the tools to make his own destiny and helped made him into the man he is today.

Learn from your mistakes, they make you who are, you just need to see how.

TAGS #bullying post traumatic stress disorder

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