It's Ok To Talk

All stories matter

We hope these stories will inspire you and more young people to come forward and share their own, helping to break down the stigma surrounding mental health.

The Bridge

December 23, 2019 • Harjyot Kaur • Female • 19 • New Delhi

I wrote this poem as part of a poetry competition, themed ,”destigmatizing conversations around mental health.” In the process of writing it, I realized that any conversation around mental health starts with a self-acknowledgment and acceptance that something is not right. This acknowledgment is crucial in determining how the story unfolds; it is often painful, and extremely difficult, but on the other side of it lies the chance of healing. This poem talks of that journey of self-acknowledgment, using a bridge as a metaphor. It revolves around a healthier version of a person calling upon the current version of the same person to take the journey, promising of a destination that is filled with hope.


Hey. It’s me,

The other version of you.

The version you want to get to,

The version you feel so distant from.

I’m on the other side,

Of this abyss of darkness, and misery,

This black hole you can’t see past,

I’m here, and I’m telling you,

There exists another side.

I’m you, and you’re me,

We’re the same,

The only difference between us is

This one thin bridge.

On one side of the bridge,

You stand, barely able to breathe,

Ready to give up and jump into

The ocean of death that lies beneath;

And on the other side, I stand,

I’m okay, and it feels better,

So I look out for you,

To plead to you this: don’t jump.

The bridge is shaking,

It’s swinging, and it is broken

In some places,

And you can’t see what

Lies ahead,

So you don’t know if you should

Get on it at all.

It must be a terrifying sight,

Because you are after all clinging

To this bridge to save your life.

I shout out to you,

Hear my voice,

Get on the bridge,

And don’t let go.

When you’re there, you’ll see

Everyone you love, waiting for you,

Reach out to them, hold their hands,

Let them guide you to this better end;

Tell them you’re scared,

Tell them you’re not okay,

That you haven’t really been okay;

Tell them you want to cross this bridge,

And they’ll help you each step of the way.

I know the thought of it is scary,

The thought of telling people

What you are going through;

The thought of telling them

That you can barely hold on,

But I am on the other side,

And I’m telling you that it will be okay.

Hey, it’s me. We’re the same,

The only difference between us,

Is that I talked out and brought to

Life my darkest fears,

And it guided me along the way.

You can do it too,

Because it’s okay;

I promise you, it is all okay.

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