It's Ok To Talk

All stories matter

We hope these stories will inspire you and more young people to come forward and share their own, helping to break down the stigma surrounding mental health.

The In-Between

September 26, 2023

LOZ • Non-Binary

It feels like I’ve been friends with depression and anxiety for longer than I have been connected to another human by choice. Generally, when someone asks when my journey began, I say that class 9 was probably it, with things getting worse with every passing year.

But honestly? I don’t think that’s true.

There’s something to be said about sad children that people overlook, or at least in my generation’s childhood, they did. I was categorized as the quiet, hard-working kid and left at that. However, when I look back, all I can remember is being scared all the time—scared of being left behind, of not being enough, of being a burden on the people around me.

The time spent alone was a choice that I should not have made, but I did anyway.

Over the years, I found some people I felt comfortable with, took to saving notes and messages from them as reminders to see whenever I was caught up in my head. 

And then those people left. 

New ones came in, and they left too. 

It has been a long learning process to acknowledge and be okay with the fact that any lives that cross mine are probably intersecting for a short duration.

Every beginning brings an end with it, and that’s okay. 

It’s the in-between that matters.

So now I don’t see moments through the lens of future nostalgia; I see them as they are, in the present. That helps, most of the time. The other times are what I go to therapy for. It’s been a long trip, and the road that I have yet not traveled is a long one, but that’s okay. Some days I feel like it is too much to handle, but other days I know that there are reasons for me to live another day. 

And that’s enough.

TAGS #acceptance #mentalhealth

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