It's Ok To Talk

All stories matter

We hope these stories will inspire you and more young people to come forward and share their own, helping to break down the stigma surrounding mental health.



Making it through anxiety and depression

The hardest part was going through all this and still pretending that I was okay, still putting up a smile, still functioning like every other hu ...

December 12, 2018 • Riya Dharne • 17 • Pune


The Argument For Making Mental Health Mainstream

I wish we could talk about mental health in the same way that we discuss a sprain. ...

October 30, 2018 • Abhilasha Sinha • 28 • New Delhi

My Fight Against Depression

“I ran into my bedroom and locked myself up” ...

October 17, 2018 • Sumedh Bilgi • 24 • Mumbai


A Good Start

Depression unlike the majority of people's mis-understanding is not just about being sad, or a gateway to being rash, with an excuse in hand. You ...

July 10, 2018 • Ishita Mehra • 22 • New Delhi


You’re Okay

Quite often we are very afraid to make mistakes, we second guess ourselves even before trying something. And sometimes we end up not doing what w ...

July 27, 2017 • Arundhati Bhatia • Delhi


Lost Again

I usually don't talk much and prefer writing instead. This poem is for each of those alternative souls who are looking for sanity, love or compas ...

June 28, 2017 • Vairali Nagpal • New Delhi


When my mind feels like a pressure cooker about to explode

I stopped hiding behind my fears and started asking for what I wanted and what I believed I deserved. And when I did, I felt alive—as if I’d just ...

April 4, 2017 • Ria Golecha • New Delhi


Coming to terms with my reality

Today, I am able to open up to even a random stranger and own up to my story, because I know this is what makes me human. Acceptance is the bigge ...

April 4, 2017 • Anonymous • New Delhi