It's Ok To Talk

All stories matter

We hope these stories will inspire you and more young people to come forward and share their own, helping to break down the stigma surrounding mental health.



One day at a time

I’ve learnt not to be embarrassed and apologetic for who I am and what I do. As long as I believe in my heart that I’m doing the right thing, I c ...

February 15, 2019 • Toni • 22 • New Delhi


Making it through anxiety and depression

The hardest part was going through all this and still pretending that I was okay, still putting up a smile, still functioning like every other hu ...

December 12, 2018 • Riya Dharne • 17 • Pune


A Good Start

Depression unlike the majority of people's mis-understanding is not just about being sad, or a gateway to being rash, with an excuse in hand. You ...

July 10, 2018 • Ishita Mehra • 22 • New Delhi


Walking out of shadows

April 28, 2017 • Vertika Dixit


Extend yourself

Sometimes all you have to do is to extend a hand. Don't lose hope if they don't take it right then. Don't predict, don't control, don't analyse. ...

April 4, 2017 • Dhriti Sarkar • New Delhi


Of Deep Emotion and Deeper Realisation

While I eventually began realising that such acts were getting me nowhere, it didn’t relieve me of my depressive tendencies. I would often go thr ...

April 4, 2017 • Kabir David • New Delhi