It's Ok To Talk

All stories matter

We hope these stories will inspire you and more young people to come forward and share their own, helping to break down the stigma surrounding mental health.



When I was diagnosed with depression

To not get lost in the metallic fog of this over-competitive world, it is essential to take some time out for yourself and the people you love ...

July 18, 2019 • Abhishek Pandeyar • 26 • Kolkata


The Pill Story

A person can seem functional on the outside and be dying on the inside, and not a soul will know otherwise. ...

April 15, 2019 • Sanchana Krishnan • 25 • Delhi


It is nobody’s fault

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! It did! I am stronger and more grateful to life. I now know the worth of my happiness. ...

February 15, 2019 • Ujwala Naidu • 20 • Guntur


Making it through anxiety and depression

The hardest part was going through all this and still pretending that I was okay, still putting up a smile, still functioning like every other hu ...

December 12, 2018 • Riya Dharne • 17 • Pune


It’s okay to talk about it

The World Health Organization states that 300 million people have had at least one depressive episode in a given year. I am one of those statisti ...

October 30, 2018 • Michele Capots • Washington, DC


My Bipolar Disorder And I Aren’t Friends, But We’re Getting Along Better Now

Apart from the medicines which play an important role in managing the illness – another critical part is to know the triggers to of Mania and Dep ...

July 2, 2017 • Bijoy Jose • Bengaluru


Doctors to Psychiatrist. In that order.

I have been living with depression and anxiety for almost 3 years now. But the first two years I didn’t know it. My body tried to tell me. But I ...

April 4, 2017 • ANONYMOUS • New Delhi