It's Ok To Talk

All stories matter

We hope these stories will inspire you and more young people to come forward and share their own, helping to break down the stigma surrounding mental health.



I am special, and you are special too

The story of another average Indian girl who needs to believe in herself. ...

August 11, 2020 • Raushni Khanna • 25 • Chennai


The Story of My Life

Recovering from addiction and struggling with schizophrenia ...

June 3, 2020 • Deepankar Maitra • 30 • Kolkata


My Struggle with Bipolar Disorder

My experiences with mania, depression, and life’s challenges ...

June 3, 2020 • Anonymous • 35 • Delhi


Depression – You Aren’t Alone

You can go a long way with some self-compassion ...

June 3, 2020 • Ruchi • 28 • Delhi


My Learnings From Dealing With Anxiety And Depression

Nobody facing a mental health challenge willingly makes life difficult for their near and dear ones, yet almost inevitably, it happens. ...

February 12, 2020 • Nikhil Ramankutty • 37 • Bangalore


September 6, 2019 • Tejaswani Balaji • Noida


Dance and movement therapy – my story of beating depression

Once you start loving yourself the world will start loving you and even if it does not, it won't matter anymore. ...

February 15, 2019 • Divya Toshniwal • New Delhi


Silence of A Survivor

April 4, 2017 • Mona Sharma • New Delhi


How I talked (and wrote) my way out of trouble

Growing up, I was a fairly stocky kid, peaking at a level that can be called “fat but short of obese”. Therefore, it was quite a shock, for my fr ...

April 4, 2017 • Aditya Mani Jha • New Delhi


My experience with depression

I am going to talk about this past year of my life, I am going to describe it as well as I can and I'm going to hope that it makes some differenc ...

April 4, 2017 • Pavani Madhira • Hyderabad