It's Ok To Talk

All stories matter

We hope these stories will inspire you and more young people to come forward and share their own, helping to break down the stigma surrounding mental health.



A Mental Battlefield of Phases

September 7, 2023


Depression and Me

Recovery is not linear. It is anything but neat. I am better than before. I am still recovering. I have highs and lows but more than that I have ...

October 17, 2018 • Anonymous • 16 • New Delhi


MIND IT! 10 Ways I Started Taking Care of My Mind

We often associate nourishing our mind with gaining more knowledge, problem-solving, engaging in intellectual debates and discussions… but seldom ...

June 14, 2018 • Ila Reddy • New Delhi


You’re Okay

Quite often we are very afraid to make mistakes, we second guess ourselves even before trying something. And sometimes we end up not doing what w ...

July 27, 2017 • Arundhati Bhatia • Delhi